This page hosts some of the most recent publications in Esperanto about the UN or publications that relate to Esperanto and the UN. 

List of Publications

From ideas to Action ~ De ideoj al agoj

From Ideas to Action‘ – an illustrated book looking back over 70 years of the United Nations. 
Dual language book in Chinese and Esperanto.
Author: Cristina Stanca-Mustea
Published 2020: Paris/ Rotterdam – Unesco /  UEA

My Hero is You ~ Vi estas mia heroo

A fictional book developed by and for children aims to help families understand and cope with COVID-19 has now appeared in Esperanto translation. Listen to the story in Esperanto

An Esperanto guide to the United Nations' 17 Goals for Sustainable Development - In Esperanto

Gvidilo al la 17 celoj por daŭripova evoluigo de Unuiĝintaj Nacioj

Antaŭparolo: Humphrey Tonkin
Enkonduko: Rakoen Maertens

1. Neniu malriĉo: Renato Corsetti
2. Nula malsato: Heidi Goes
3. Bona sano kaj bonfarto: Christoph Klawe
4. Bonkvalita edukado: Mark Fettes
5. Seksa egaleco: Manuela Roncoo
6. Pura akvo kaj higieno: Allan Argolo
7. Pagebla kaj pura energio: Alvaro Motta
8. Bona laboro kaj ekonomia kreko: Giorgio Novello
9. Industrio, inventemo, infrastrukturo: Tamás Slezák
10. Redukti malegalecon: Rafaela Urueña
11. Daŭripovaj urboj kaj komunumoj: Eric Hamelin kaj Guillaume Armide
12. Respondecaj konsumo kaj produktoj: Manfred Westermayer
13. Klimata agado: Orlando Raola
14. Subakva vivo: Francesco Maurelli
15. Surtera vivo: Said Pontes de Albuquerque
16. Paco, justo, fortaj institucioj: Ulrich Brandenburg
17. Partnerecoj por la celoj: Humphrey Tonkin

Kelkaj specialaj tagoj de Unuiĝintaj Nacioj

Niaj kontribuintoj

kovrilo de Gvidilo al la 17 celoj por daŭripova evoluigo de Unuiĝintaj Nacioj
Edited by Humphrey Tonkin and Rakoen Maertens. Published by Mondial, New York and Universala Esperanto-Asocio, Rotterdam. Translated by Humphrey Tonkin with the help of Mark Fettes, Brian Moon, and Istvan Ertl.
In this short film various people speak the 17 Sustainable Development Goals  adopted by the United Nations in September, 2015. 
Humphrey Tonkin, the UEA Representative to the UN in New York, writes about the UN’s 17 important goals (surtitled in Esperanto by Scott Turton in the film above) in the video above: “There is no doubt that, on the one hand, the issue of sustainable development will remain a key question for the UN in the future and that the Goals are in many respects parallel to the guiding principles of the Esperanto Movement, but that, on the other hand, the Goals do not recognise the importance of the linguistic dimension. On the one hand, let us support these Goals and cooperate in their realisation; on the other, let us not miss an opportunity to point out that without linguistic democracy one cannot have a two-way dialogue with many of the people targeted by the Goals. …”

Fundamental Human Rights ~ Fundamento de la homaj rajtoj

The book also includes the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, the “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights” and the “International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights”. 
With contributions by M. Fettes and M.R. Urueña. 
Translated by H. Tonkin. 
Published 2016: Rotterdam – UEA
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