21 February 2025
Esperanto Por UN
Welcome to the web site for ‘Esperanto Por UN’, an Esperanto-language support organisation for the United Nations. Here you can find information on Esperanto and the United Nations. We work to support the United Nations and UNESCO, in partnership with the Universal Esperanto Association, an ECOSOC accredited organisation. We promote multilingualism in the UN and the use of the International Language Esperanto. We have teams of representatives in New York, Geneva, Vienna, and Paris, with additional collaborators across the world.
Important documents such as the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and similar seminal documents have appeared in Esperanto translation. Explore these and other documents in Esperanto translation.
UEA's messages to the UN and Unesco for the most recent Observance Days
Latest updates and Newsletters about Esperanto, UN and UNESCO
Latest updates
Indigenous Language Rights: A Roundtable Discussion
Non-Violence and Esperanto
Older Persons and Esperanto
Message of the Universal Esperanto Association on International Translation Day
Sharing Dance for Peace
Newsletter of the Universal Esperanto Association’s Office of Liaison with the United Nations
The UNESCO Courier in Esperanto
The Universal
Esperanto Association supports the ‘UNESCO Courier’, the official UNESCO magazine published by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, in Esperanto. It appears four times a year in several languages and promotes the ideals of UNESCO. Latest issue (PDF download).
Who we are ~ what we do ~ what's happening now?
Study Group on Language and the United Nations.
A group of scholars and professionals interested in language policies and uses in UN. How policies work, how languages are used, and how UN communicates linguistically.
NGO Committee on Language and Languages
A comitee from CoNGO, about language, linguistic justice, and linguistic non-discrimination. Active on language rights, language policies, and language practices.
About us and our aims
Who we are
We are an international group of Esperantists working to build stronger connections between the UN and the Esperanto movement. Help and support us!
More about us!Our aims
Representing the interests of the Esperanto movement at the United Nations and its specialized bodies ~
introducing Esperanto into the UN’s activities ~
building support for the UN and UNESCO in the Esperanto movement ~ educating Esperantists about the structure and work of the UN.
Support us!Recent publications
The UN publication about how children can fight against KOVIM-19 has appeared in Esperanto translation. Listen to the story in Esperanto

‘From Ideas to Action‘ – an illustrated book looking back over 70 years of the United Nations. Read more
A useful guide in Esperanto to the UN’s 17 goals for sustainable development (2015-2030) with a foreword by Humphrey Tonkin and an introduction by Rakoen Maertens ~ Published in collaboration with Universala Esperanto-Asocio
Find out about the United Nations: an international organisation
A Call from the General Secretary of the UN to be part of the Global Dialogue – Shaping the Future Together. Read more.

Foundation Document
The Charter of the United Nations established the UN and its mode of operation and was formulated and signed by representatives of 50 founding states in 1945. It has been translated into Esperanto.
The UN Charter in EsperantoUN Documents in Esperanto
Several key documents from the UN and Unesco have been translated into Esperanto, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the 1954 Unesco resolution about Esperanto, and the UN Foundation Charter.
UN Documents in EsperantoSustainable Development Goals
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals aim to achieve a better and more sustainable future for everyone. They address the global challenges we currently face, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice. An Esperanto guide to the 17 goals has been published by Mondial and UEA
Downnload the Esperanto booklet Pressure points for Esperanto
ECOSOC Office for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs); Conference of NGOs; UN Department of Public Information; Department of Conference Operations; Bodies with linguistic and cultural dimensions;
Human Rights Council.
Humphrey Tonkin, President of ‘Esperanto Por UN’, gives a brief overview of the relationship between Esperanto and the UN